Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Plan Team Topic blog

Okay, one second. Oh, right. Sorry, using dragon dictation and, well never mind. Anyways, it's time to blog about my game. So, we started planning the game the first time suprising inovations came together as a group. It was all fine and good until, google drive/docs came. We have filled out it, mostly but the questions go one forever. And, they basicaly rephrase different questions over and over. Then, we discovered chat. Another obstacle for the scatter brain team. Still , it is going well. A good chunk of the game has been planed, even the top veiw of the cell before you are trapped inside it is done. Aparently, we are incorperating a dancing dust mite at the end if you finish. So, yeah, lets see how that one works out.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Imagining the team game.

So, update on the game. We are doing a science game, as mentioned before called Cell AdVenture. What we are doing is making a game where you have to carry out the functions of each organelles, from the nucleus of said cell. After a certian point, you encounter enemies. If you finish the game, you see your plant, completely grown. You chose at the begining what plant you are, flower, tree, or herb. The point is to show how important the organelles are to the cell, in extension organs and in further extension all living things.  Our game metamorphosed from an idea, to a basic outline, then to what we have now, an adventure game. To be honest, we chose cells because we knew it fairly well and the remembered a class activity from last year. Then we decided to make an interactive game out of the knowledge we had and make something similar to the prodject, which was getting out of a cell which had malfuntioned and had no energy. Anyway, our ideas changed and grew more refined untill we got a workable game topic. We have been having a few trouble spots, mainly that some of us can't concentrate very well, or remember who chose which jobs. For example, Dylan chose most of them including artist, I chose artist since I can't do much else, and Luke chose artist and a few Dylan had chosen as well. Luke and Dylan are good at research, the latter is better though. Dylan is the most serious. When me and Luke are goofing off, he helps us get back on track. Luke is silly but comes up with new ideas a lot, even if the are implausible, like a flying crab as the protagonist in a game. Still, we mostly balance each other out when in the right mood. When it comes to research though, they are a lot better than me. I get side tracked a lot. Still, we mostly explored a website called cells alive for information about plant cells. It has a bunch of interactive models and thats all I could see before I researched for a different site. For some reason, that website didnt seem to like me. Still, the game is one that you would need prior knowledge of cells to understand and finish. We had a brief problem on what we were doing in the beggining. I wanted the game to be you were inside the cell and had to make it function correctly to get out, but we ended up with having to complete the cells functions as the cell itself. Mostly you would, as my understanding goes, use the arrow keys to move around. I might be completely wrong though. We have another problem. Usong flash without getting off course. Well, thats me anyway. I once spent a class period doodling without realizing it. It looked pretty cool, but doesnt exactly serve a purpose in our game. We have used color gradience, that is important too. It allows us to make it look slightly less like a cartoon. Still, thats about it. I guess I'll post later. Bye!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Structure of Surprising Innovations

So, my team is called Surprising Innovations. We did the research for our game, game topic and alike. Our game topic is science, the one we all, hypothetically, understand the best. Our game is about cells, something I understand from the textbook and my sister. The point of our game is to correctly carry out the functions of a plant cell. You chose what you grow into, a tree, herb or flower, and carry out the functions without dying. Our game will be called Plant Cell AdVenture.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Building the interactive minigame

Hi, Im back. I havent posted in ages because of the 1 week thanksgiving vacation and working on the interactive minigame. So, we have a wolf, a carrot, a bunny and either a pizza or chocalate in our game. The point is to get the carrot without the wolf getting you or hitting the unhealthy food. Its a game of cat and mouse with a distraction. Anyway, I played someones game from last year and it was cool. The bunny and wolf went at the same speed and when the wolf hit you, you would lose 10 points. There was a flaw however, the wolf couldnt move up or down and the bunny could get the carrot with its ears. Not much ense but okay. I am trying to not doodle in the background and have succeded! Mostly. Still, it is getting easier for me and the code still doesnt like me. I keeps on making erros out of things it needs in the code. Its still hard, but I have succesfully uploaded files without help. I am looking forwards to making more game, and no, Im not just saying that because I would get in trouble otherwise. (mostly)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Hidden objects rubric and stuff.

Do you have a Math focus? Yes
What is it? Equations with variables on both sides.
How will your hidden objects teach this concept?
The way you travel from location to location is by solving 2 equations that are the longitude and latitude of a location.
Do your hidden objects work?
You click on them and they either disappear, or take you to a different screen
What game ingredients are you putting in?
A mini eiffel tower, hot dog stand, scrolls, and more

This is the rubric from the game. I personally think my game is too copmlicated. Also, we have to add the chapter of the book if we can

Math Concept (x2)

Needs to be a concept taught in Geometry, Algebra, or Pre-Algebra. Could be used to teach a concept to kids in your classes.
Might be a Geometry, Algebra, or Pre-Algebra concept, but the game is below the level of mastery expected in your classes.
Has a math concept, but is not geared to kids your age, or is a concept below the level of Geometry, Algebra, and Pre-Algebra
No Math Concept, or concept is unclear to the player.
Hidden Objects
Game has at least 6 hidden objects that work and are solutions to your Math concept.
Game has at least 5 hidden objects that work and are solutions to your Math concept.
Game has fewer than 5 hidden objects that work or are not solutions to your Math concept.
Hidden objects don’t work.
Game Ingredients
Game has at least 3 game ingredients that are described on the wiki, and that work.
Game has 2 game ingredients that are described on the wiki that work.
Game ingredients are present, but don’t work.
No extra game ingredients.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Adding game ingredients

Globaloria is like a recipe. It turns out great and rewarding if you do it right, and turns out horrible and hard if you do it wrong. So far, it is fun, hard and seems like the chocolate mousse I tried making and failed miserably with the bitter thing. I often draw random things in the area behind the stage. It has turned out similar to a'Find the hidden Indians' puzzle. Randomly placed things that shouldn't be there. I am often tempted to destroy the computer in frustration. I read books with words like sesquipedalian, vermilion, and quintessential without batting an eye but some how, cant handle drawing the background of a single game! ARGH!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Adding the hidden objects

THIS IS HARD!!!!!! Sorry. Its fun but sometimes I do silly things like putting the name of a file on without uploading the file first. ugh. Still, I only have one object so far. I think my game idea was too ambitious for me.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Drawing the background

We used Flash to make it. I personally found doodling was fun, but actually doing the work without drawing something I wasnt meant to, or having to delete some of my work was challenging. I had fun though. I look forward to using flash again, in a different project. (I think we, love-lei and I, set our goal a little too high. Oops....)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Paper prototype

Me and Love-lei drew a picture each for our paper prototype. We used her, the eiffel tower, and I drew the hidden objects for our game. She showed me the complete thing and I couldnt even see some of the hidden objects untill she showed me(well, the first one I wasnt looking for, she showed me and I hadnt noticed it.)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Game vision

So, me and Love-lei are doing our hidden objects game with famos landmarks. The game will have 8 locations home, the five landmarks were you go and find a clue for the next location, and the two fake locations made to throw you off, and of course, the last one which is a suprise. You travel finding scrolls that have two equations which give you the longitude and latitude co ordinateds. (Hint: look at the outside of the scrolls before you pick one! In some locations there are 2, a real one and a fake one.)

Chosing learning topic

Im working on my hidden objects math game with Love-lei. We chose expressions with variables on both sides. When chosing it, I knew what I wanted to put in the game already. I decided with her because we could use it. Our game uses the equations to form coordinates on the logitude latitude plane. Also, we both found the topic easier than others in the subject. Thats it really for why we chose it. Bye!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Play to learn, part 1

The game I played was Kitty Math. I thought it was fun because the game combined math, my least favorite subject, with cats, my favorite animal. By doing this, I enjoyed it even though I hate the subject. I really liked using the cordinate plane to find the kitties stuck in a tree. When you find a cat, it shows up and when you find all four it says 'thank mew'. When I found one, I wanted to find them all so that they could all be out of the tree even though they arent real. The game would be educational for kids in this subject. I already knew it but learned how to find the y coordinate knowing only the x one. I hadnt been taught it so it was a little chanlenging. If I could change anything about the game, I would make a thing were one more kitten was lost and you had to do a similar problem in the house. I think that it is a good excersize for kids in pre algebra. We had to play a game called dirty river and idenify the bad objects. They were a leeching soft drink, choke able ball, unusable tire, a rusting can, an inedible cap, some entangleing rings, a broken fishing rod, a habitat killin propeller, leeching bottle and a clogging bag.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Single Story

We saw a video with a lad explaining what a single story was. It really got me thinking. Every one has a story that the have heard so many times, when they hear someone mention it, all they think of is what was repeated. Like, if you kept hearing about how poor someone was, everytime someone mentioned them, all they would think was that they were poor. If they meet them, they would probably be suprised about what really happens. I have told alot of people what my sister does. Even though its true, I leave out some parts. If you met my sister, she would display some qualities I wouldve told you about, but alot more. But I had told you a single story so it would suprise you. I once heard a lot of praise put upon a place in England by my mum. When I got there, I was full of hope on seeing the queen or prince charles at Buckingham palace. I was disappointed to see grey stone, a bunch of tourists, and the only queen and prince related things I saw were in the ift shop and the flag waving on the highest point in the castle, signifing the queen was there. I was disappointed not to see them like my mum had(She almost elbowed prince Charles in the face!oops) but learned that I had only heard one side of things, my mums single story. If I made a game about the palace, I would try to show not just a single story. Games can show more than one side to things, you just have to make that really show through.

Friday, September 7, 2012

First post

Hi, I am new to Globaloria this year. I am also just trying out blogger. I like to play computer games so I think that making some should be fun at least. I guess Ill post more later when I know what more about what to do. See ya!