Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Building the interactive minigame

Hi, Im back. I havent posted in ages because of the 1 week thanksgiving vacation and working on the interactive minigame. So, we have a wolf, a carrot, a bunny and either a pizza or chocalate in our game. The point is to get the carrot without the wolf getting you or hitting the unhealthy food. Its a game of cat and mouse with a distraction. Anyway, I played someones game from last year and it was cool. The bunny and wolf went at the same speed and when the wolf hit you, you would lose 10 points. There was a flaw however, the wolf couldnt move up or down and the bunny could get the carrot with its ears. Not much ense but okay. I am trying to not doodle in the background and have succeded! Mostly. Still, it is getting easier for me and the code still doesnt like me. I keeps on making erros out of things it needs in the code. Its still hard, but I have succesfully uploaded files without help. I am looking forwards to making more game, and no, Im not just saying that because I would get in trouble otherwise. (mostly)

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