Thursday, October 18, 2012

Adding game ingredients

Globaloria is like a recipe. It turns out great and rewarding if you do it right, and turns out horrible and hard if you do it wrong. So far, it is fun, hard and seems like the chocolate mousse I tried making and failed miserably with the bitter thing. I often draw random things in the area behind the stage. It has turned out similar to a'Find the hidden Indians' puzzle. Randomly placed things that shouldn't be there. I am often tempted to destroy the computer in frustration. I read books with words like sesquipedalian, vermilion, and quintessential without batting an eye but some how, cant handle drawing the background of a single game! ARGH!


  1. Great analogies for the programming but I have no idea what the hell sesquipedalian, vermilion, and quintessential mean but I can very well form code together to make a working game. What is not happening that should be? Maybe I can help

  2. Sesquipedalian means: a person who likes to use long words. Vermilion is a shade of red and quintessaential, I am quoting a ditionary since I cant put it into a more simple explaination, means: 1.of the pure and essential essence of something
    of or pertaining to the most perfect embodiment of something

    My code isnt working very well and whenever I try to upload a file, I cant find it after ive published it.
