Thursday, April 11, 2013

Adding buttons

So, coding. I can make the scenes pretty but, coding can just sit there, obstinately refusing to work. I know how to make a button, but I cant code it, or really anything. I leave the codes to my friends to figure out, though I don't feel good about it. I tried coding, and only when attempting the interactive did it work even slightly. I did help Luke make the sound, but I couldn't help him code. I got two new definitions in my personal dictionary under useless and obstacle. Oh, and 'code' changed too. Under it is the actual definition, and under that is something like: evil, nearly impossible, insanely hard, ect. Starting to get the idea? I can't code, buttons, the game, movie clips, whatever. I want to help but don't know how. I managed to slightly speed the button process by adding one, minus the coding, with the main page file. It is harder than what seems humanly possible. I just feel useless when it comes to coding. Sure, I managed the mini game thing we did before the teams assembled, but that was with a lot of help. Anyways, this has gone long enough, (I dont want to rant too much) so, bye!

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