Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tracing paper prototype

Okay! So, lets see.... Right, the paper prototype. Its like this, we took our paper prototype, traced it in flash, or I did anyway, and then made it cool. I was responsible for about the team page, and the start screen. Luke was given the lose screen and did zoom out/zoom in for the first stage. Dylan took all the rest. I know, unequal division of labor, but we each place certain amounts of effort and detail in each. I am a perfectionist, obsessive compulsive and all that, so I put meticulous detail and effort into each. Luke was similar. Dylan, well, I dont know but he is serious and knows how much is not enough, and fine. I got a few ideas while doing the start screen and team page. For example, I now understand how dfficult t is for flash, paint and stuff to make exact pictures, which is why it took me a while. But a main thing I learned is how to take a screen shot, at least I think thats what its called. It took work from everyone, even between people, for us to finish. We gave constructive critisism, and improved our work. Bye for now, See you!

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